Hi, Can I Look at Your Pins?

Jun 04, 2022

Welcome to Pin Trading 101!

If you have made any trips to Walt Disney World since around 2000, you have likely noticed Cast Members and guests wearing lanyards containing pins, pin boards placed around the parks and stores, or kiosks set up with hundreds of pins available to purchase. Welcome to the world of Disney pins and pin trading!  I started collecting Disney pins in 2000 when I was 17 years old.  I was at the age where I was too old for toys or stuffed animals, and I THOUGHT I was too old for Disney clothes (17 year old Brianna should take a look at 39 year old Brianna’s Disney wardrobe!).  That was the trip when I first noticed a few kiosks of pins.  I thought these would make good souvenirs, so I bought my first pins: Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.  Can you guess my favorite Disney movie?!  Since that trip in 2000, I have collected over 400 pins, and they are proudly displayed in shadow boxes that I look at...

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