June is the HOTTEST Box to COOL Off With!

by christie grube Jun 07, 2021

I have such a love/hate relationship with summer. I claim to love it, I wish for it all year long, I even rub it in winter's face all season long how much I miss and love summer. Then summer comes, and like clockwork (or sun dial work) I am the FIRST to complain about the heat. I still inevitably will visit Walt Disney World this summer even if it means sweating bullets from every last pore...but it's SUMMER! I have to! Longer days, funky tan lines, ice cream for dinner and just a more laid back frame of mind are all things I LOVE about summer. This June Launch Box was the perfect blend of summery fun without all the sweaty messiness. 

I love how this month was bundled up, swaddled like my own little bundle of Travel Agent love. (Let's make Christmas in June a thing, because that's what tearing into that tissue felt like!) Okay, maybe it's obnoxious, but BECAUSE I DO have a trip coming up in less than a month I looked this box over and thought, "Ohhhh yeahhhh, that's coming with us..." I am hoping that my selfishness does eventually ear off as there are some AMAZING items in here for any guest, but especially for my summer travelers. 

It was tough to pick a favorite item this month, I feel like this was such a smart box, the "thinking gal's" box if you will. First of all, the Frozen theme that runs through many of this month's items was perfect! Olaf is the ambassador of Summer...whether that's wise of him or not. What better way too cool off than to think snowman thoughts or...have one of those AMAZING, and totally nostalgic freezable ice pops! (Man, weren't those the best days in school when your teacher whipped out those frozen push pops?!)  

I love the idea of sending these along with my guests' in their final paperwork packet to store in their mini fridge's freezer section back at their resort room for after a long, hot park day. Or to use as part of their own family trip countdown. (Freezer pops one night, Disney movie another, Disney story one night, a Disney craft, etc...that could even be something we map out for them as a fun, pre-trip week of activities...just spitballin' here...) 

The cellphone fan is genius! In the dawning age of the "My Disney Experience" app on absolute steroids, we all are relying more and more on our phones when we are at the Parks. Why tow around a ginormous (and overpriced) fan when you have this adorable little guy camped out right on the end of your device? There he is while you're checking wait times or figuring out how to hold the ketchup on your burger while Mobile Ordering. (By the way, you're a monster if you hold the ketchup on your burger.) Good thing our generous Pal Kat threw two of those babies in this box, because I can tell you, this gal is keeping one for sure. 

We are ALL constantly battling that, "How do I stay top of mind with my guests" fight. We have guests who have AMAZING trips, vow to use us again, but the fear always looms that if we aren't top of mind, easily accessible that we may miss out on some clutch repeat business. This month Kat thought that through and provided us with super easy Peel & Stick Business Card Magnets.

What busy family DOESN'T have magnets on their fridge?! Now, when the folks reach for a magnet to hold up lil' Billy's latest art project-POW-there we are planting those all important, "You need to plan a vacation with me" seeds. Have local business friends that wouldn't mind slapping your magnet on their register-you don't know until you ask?! 


We are SUCKERS for the Mickey shaped straws, the glowing ice cubes, the commemorative cups, if it's "extra" then my "must have" radar immediately goes into overdrive. (It's pretty bad when the 12 year old in my house is the most sensible voice of reason.) I can't help it, I love surprising the kiddos with all the bells and whistles, especially when we are at Disney. I am GIDDY about walking back to our table after picking up our food from Pinocchio's Village Haus and surprising the girls with this month's adorable little light up Olaf in their cup! (Mostly because they'll be sharing a drink since we aren't on a dining plan...what am I made of money?!) There will be an "Ohhhh Mommmm" thrown in, but I can already picture the smiles. 

This month's digital content is of course amazing, but also SO incredibly valuable, "10 Ways to Keep Cool In Summer at WDW." Doesn't it always feel like folks are continuously taken off guard by JUST how hot Florida is in the summer? (Okay, guilty as charged over here also...why, why am I always shocked?) I love the idea of printing these gorgeous cards out and bundling them for guests traveling in the heart of summer's heat. (WITH, that bonus super cute character paper clip...office supplies...swoon.) 

When thinking of giftable content for my guests, I do try and think of some "functional" items to go along with the certain level of geekiness I like to package up as well. I absolutely loved the packets of perfectly sized Air Travel Approved travel bottles. I love this idea for anyone traveling, but especially the solo traveler not checking any bags or the family that will be split up between multiple rooms. Or...heaven help us, Moms of teenagers who can't manage to leave a single product behind. These are fantastic, functional and something that will be able to be reused time and time again. So smart! ORDER THE JUNE BOX HERE

I'd like to say that the precious Anna and Elsa pens are going to a sweet child that I've fallen in love with while booking their family's awesome Disney trip. Nope. Those are mine. I'm keeping them. My desk always has room for some more whimsy that make the days go by faster and remind me even during those trying times (we ALL have them, come on, it's okay to admit it, this job isn't always rainbows and unicorns) why I'm in these trenches! I LOVE Disney! I LOVE travel! I even...most days love people. 

This box was a lot of fun, and I am thrilled with how it will benefit my Disney vacationers. I am also psyched at how this box will also prove to be helpful when trying to spoil my non-Disney summer clients as well. It becomes so easy to know how to gift our Disney guests that sometimes I sputter around a bit when I have to think of regular guest gifts. This box was the perfect amount of cheer, nostalgia, functionality and whimsy. Bring it on summer heat, thanks to Kat I'm equipped to handle the heat from the sun annnnnd even the most demanding travel clients out there! HAPPY SUMMER!

WANT ONE OF THESE SUMMER FUN BOXES? There are just a few left! The Launch Box is a monthly subscription, but there are usually a few extras. Get 'em while they're hot!



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